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The Nahum Principle



This principle is clearly taught in the prophetic message that God gave to Nahum to deliver to Nianevah, the capitol of the Assyrian empire. Nahum pronounced that the nation’s wounds had become “incurable” (Nahum 3:19). Jeremiah used this same terminology when he later pronounced God’s doom upon Judah.


Your injury has no healing, your wound is severe. All who hear news of you Will clap their hands over you, for upon whom has not your wickedness passed continually.


It is an ominous message of truth that Americans, even Christians, will rebel against. The Christian community will reject it because it has compromised its values with the world, it has wrapped itself in the flag of patriotism, and tolerance, and it has deceived itself with its pollyanna gospel of health, wealth and prosperity.

For the past 40 years God has been raising up prophetic voices in America, calling this country to repentance. We have reacted in the same manner as the ancient Israelites. We have mocked the prophets by arrogantly reminding them that we are a “Christian nation.”

But the truth is that we are anything but a Christian nation. Our behavior as a nation makes a mockery of Christianity. We lead the world in every abomination known to man… abortion, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, divorce, child abuse, violent crime, pornography, and yes, even child pornography. Worse yet, we export our violence and immorality to other countries through our sleazy movies and television programs. We have become the moral polluter of planet earth.

And we are reaping what we have sown. The judgment of God is upon this nation. 


Nahum identifies the point of no return in chapter one, verse 11. He says it occurs when a nation’s apathy toward God or rebellion against God is transformed into war with God. In other words, it is one thing for a nation to ignore God and another for it to rebel against God. These actions will provoke the judgment of God. But when a nation goes to war with God, that nation beckons the wrath of God and thus seals its doom.


I believe with all my heart that America reached that point? 


How will God’s wrath be manifested toward us? Initially, it is most likely to come in the form of an economic collapse from which there will be no hope of recovery. Ultimately, it is likely to be consummated in our destruction by nuclear weapons.

As we face the consequences of our war against God, let those of us who are Christians do so with hope in our hearts, remembering the words of Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good. He is a stronghold in the day of trouble. And He knows those who take refuge in Him.”



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