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In Support of True Repentance

  I don’t like debating Christians. I’d rather emphasize our common faith and hope in Jesus (Eph. 4:2-5; John 17:20-23). However, there are erroneous doctrines that  need  to be corrected (or at least explored further) because they contradict the Gospel at its very foundation. One such doctrine is pejoratively called “easy-believism.” It is described as a faith that consists  only  in cognitive assent a simple mental acknowledgement of certain Gospel truths apart from repentance or a determination to follow the Savior. Favoring this doctrine, J.B. Hixson writes: Saving faith occurs when one believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who died and rose again to pay one’s personal penalty for sin and the one who gives eternal life to all who trust in Him and Him alone for it. ( Freely by His Grace , 145) In support, Hixson quotes Charles Ryrie: The issue is whether or not you believe that His death paid for all your sin and that by believing in Him you can have for...
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Verses that Actually are not in the Bible

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America is no Longer Good

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Cry Out to the Lord

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The Church is not a Hospital for Sinners, It's a Morgue for the Dead

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Do You Seek God or Just His Blessings

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