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Remember the Titanic

 I’ve been thinking about this a lot here lately, how the truth is under attack in the western world.  And it’s not just simple truth, reality itself is under attack.  I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.  Truth…Gods truth especially is far too important to ignore, yet that’s exactly what’s happening in this nation.

In one of his dialogues, Plato cites the thinker Protagoras as saying that any given thing “is to me such as it appears to me and is to you such as it appears to you.”  This idea sounds rather modern, doesn’t it?   We hear slogans today that declare “that’s true for you but not for me,” or “that’s just your perspective.” These statements reflect the thinking of a postmodern culture that has reinvented truth to reflect the twisted ideals of the individual while forgetting that truth is absolute, it’s not of any individual interpretation.  

Remember the story of the Titanic, the supposedly unsinkable ship that sank in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg?  Well, here’s something that most people don’t know.  On April 14, after four days of uneventful sailing, Titanic received sporadic reports of ice from other ships, but she was sailing on calm seas under a moonless, clear sky, so the warnings were ignored.

At about 11:30 p.m., a lookout saw an iceberg coming out of a slight haze dead ahead, then rang the warning bell and telephoned the bridge. The engines were quickly reversed, and the ship was turned sharply and instead of making direct impact, Titanic seemed to graze along the side of the berg, sprinkling ice fragments on the forward deck. Sensing no collision, the lookouts were relieved. They had no idea that the iceberg had a jagged underwater spur, which slashed a 300-foot gash in the hull below the ship’s waterline.

By the time the captain toured the damaged area, five compartments were already filling with seawater, and the bow of the doomed ship was alarmingly pitched downward, allowing seawater to pour from one bulkhead into the neighboring compartment.  The Titanic sank in the icy waters condemning 1500 souls to a dark, icy grave.

America has been warned over and over for decades of the dangers of ignoring God and His truth, yet she has not heeded the warnings. Unfortunately, in this postmodern age truth has been abandoned for individual opinions and feelings.  Men pretending to be women and vice versa because they feel they were born in the wrong body and this perversion is only the tip of a much larger iceberg, so to speak.  We have whole heartedly given our support and approval to the murder of babies, and every sort of perversion you can imagine.  And it’s not just lost people doing it, it’s professing Christians as well.  This iceberg is moving toward us at breakneck speed, and much like the Titanic we aren’t even trying to avoid it.

When a society abandons truth like so much refuse it also abandons morals, ethics, values, and every character trait that makes us a civilized society. In essence, we revert to our basic animalistic behavior, and we have done just that.  America is on a collision course with an extinction level event and most people don’t even see it coming.  And worse yet, the ones that can see it, don’t seem the least bit concerned.

America has lost all sense of decency and civility.  Scripture clearly states that a man shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, it is an abomination.  It’s an abomination to dress like the opposite sex.  It’s an abomination to have some sort of sex change that alters your body.  It’s an abomination to have an intimate relationship with a person of the same sex. It’s an abomination to murder a baby in the womb. The sins of homosexuality and transgenderism ranks right up there with having sex with animals. God says the land will be defiled because of these things.

Leviticus 18:24 “For by all these things, the nations that I am casting out before you have become defiled.”

Just read Romans 1.  This is why that judgement comes, because of these kinds of perversions.  Scripture is clear, yet we ignore it.  We accept perversions as normal and go so far as to celebrate them. Now the land is defiled.

God abandons and then judges a nation.  I don’t know how much time America has left, probably not very long at all.  We are on a course described here as God casting us out.  The land has been defiled and God says that I have brought this punishment on it.  The land will spew out its inhabitants. 

Folks, I’m trying to warn you that America has declared war against God, we are literally at war with the creator and sustainer of the entire universe and our once great nation is disintegrating before our eyes.  We are under the judgment of almighty God and everyone needs to be prepared for the Helll that’s coming.  We need to make sure we are ready to meet our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Make certain you’re ready because time is up.  Payday is here.  


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