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Does it Really Matter?

If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3


So many professing Christians today have developed this “Does it really matter?” attitude.  


Does correct theology really matter?

Does correct doctrine really matter?

Does it really matter if I believe in evolution or millions of years or creation and thousands of years?

Does it really matter what I believe as long as I believe in Jesus?


This is the attitude that many professing Christians have developed over the last few decades.  People have gotten into their heads and hearts that it doesn’t matter how God created or when He created, or how long it took Him to create, all that matters is that we believe He created and that we believe in Jesus.

            Well, let me answer that question from scripture.  James said: “You believe there is one God, you do well, even the demons believe and tremble.”  James 2:19

The devil himself believes in Jesus.  He believes that Jesus is the Son of God.  He believes that Jesus died and rose again.  He believes all the right things, but he isn’t saved.  You can believe all the right things and still die and end up in Hell.

            James has a lot to say about the right kind of faith.  In James 2:14 he says: “What does it profit my brethren if someone says he has faith, but does not have works, can faith save him? So, is James promoting works-based salvation here? No.  Let’s read on.  Verse 15: If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of food, 16: and one of you says to them, depart in peace and be warmed and filled; but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?

            If you see someone in need and you have the means to help them and instead you ignore them or simply say “I will pray for you,” then what good have you done?  That’s a cop out, it profits no one. 17: thus also faith without works is dead.

       True faith will be accompanied by works otherwise it just empty words that mean nothing. Again, he isn’t promoting works-based salvation, he is promoting true faith through obedience.  James goes on in this chapter to present Abraham as an example of true faith accompanied by action.  When God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on the alter, Abraham could have easily said, “I have faith in you God, but I just cannot do this.”  But Abraham proved his faith through obedience.

            In order for faith to be real it needs to be accompanied by actions of obedience to Gods word.  This is what James is promoting, faith and works together.  What good is saying that you have faith and doing absolutely nothing to prove it?  

The problem in Christianity today is that we have slowly over time developed this horrendous “Does it really matter?” theology that has spread through our society and our culture like a cancer infecting each generation until now the form of Christianity we have left is nothing more than a hollowed-out shell of what it used to be. Does it really matter? 


The answer is yes.  It really does matter.


You see, Genesis 1-11 forms the bedrock foundation of our faith…our whole belief system and the way we look at scripture and our world view are founded on the first few chapters of Genesis. And if you don’t believe Genesis 1-11 correctly, then it’s going to affect the way you believe other parts of scripture.  A solid foundation is vital to a strong faith.

            Say you have a really nice house, an expensive house, your dream house.  Now suppose there is a tiny crack in the foundation.  You notice it but it’s so small that you simply ignore it.  No big deal, right?  Well, eventually that tiny crack is going to grow bigger because of all the stresses of people living in the house.  It might take months, years, or even decades, but sooner or later that tiny crack is going to spread and grow so big that it causes the foundation to collapse and then that nice expensive house is a big pile of expensive rubble. The foundation is vital to the entire building.

        This is the reason that I constantly harp on this evolution nonsense, it is a lie and it is destroying the foundations of this country and our faith.  It must be contradicted and it isn't.  Too many parents simply send their kids to public school 5 days a week to be brainwashed and they make little to no effort to contradict the lies they are being taught and worse yet, the church isn't doing anything about it either.

         Folks, you cannot expect to build a solid, belief system if you have a weak foundation.  It can’t hold up. If your belief system and your faith are built on a “Does it really matter?” attitude, then when the storms of life come, and they will come, your faith will be destroyed.  Your whole system will fail and fall.

In Mathew 7:24-27 Jesus tells a parable of two men. A wise man and a foolish man.  They both built new homes.  The wise man chose to build his house on a foundation of rock and the foolish man chose a much cheaper foundation of sand. Well, when a storm came, the wind and the waves, and the rain beat on both houses.  The house that was built on the rocks survived the storm, but the house that was built on the sand wasn’t so fortunate.  The storm washed the foundation out from under the house and it fell.  And Jesus said the fall was great.

Do you realize that the generation we are living in right now is considered to be the first post-Christian generation?  We have lost an entire generation of young people because we have failed in our responsibilities.  We have kept our heads in the sand for decades while Satan runs wild in the streets brainwashing our children and now we are living with the consequences.  

So I ask you again, does it matter to you?


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