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Here I Stand

Everyone knows how anti-evolution I am. I don't believe in it. It's not science. And I don't have enough faith to believe in millions or billions of years, the Big Bang, or that life is just the result of random chance. That requires a lot more faith than I have.  

Here's something interesting. The dating processes that are used are highly unreliable. For instance...radiometric dating isn't even reliable for dating rocks with a known age. They used radiometric dating to test rocks that were formed from the eruption of Mt St. Helens. They knew for a fact that the rocks were less than 30 years old, but they were dated to 350,000 years. Radiometric dating has been proven unreliable time after time.  

Carbon 14 dating, also unreliable. Carbon 14 has a half life of 5730 years, so it would be impossible to find carbon 14 in fossils that are supposedly millions of years old, yet dinosaur fossils contain plenty of measurable amounts of Carbon 14. Diamonds also contain Carbon 14, even though the claim is that diamonds takes millions of years to form. So, secular scientists claim that the reason Carbon 14 is found in diamonds and fossils is that they have been somehow contaminated by modern carbon, but they do not tell you that the testing process has plenty of procedures that remove contaminates.  

They also claim that they use Uranium 238 to date fossils, however, U238 can only be used to date things such as volcanic rock of very old age, it cannot be used to directly date fossils of living things.

Anyway, none of that matters because the Bible gives an accurate account of the history of the universe and earth in Genesis 1.  

So, here's the issue. the Bible plainly says that God created the earth and the universe in 6 literal 24 hour days. I'm a language nerd so I look up the original Greek and Hebrew words and the word for day used in Genesis 1 (Yom) can only be used for a literal 24 hour day when combined with morning and evening and a number. God created the earth first on day 1 then He created the rest of the universe on day 4. All the stars, planets, moons, etc.  

To believe anything else is to deny plain, sound doctrine and reject the truth. This is why we are where we are right now with millions of apostate Christians roaming around spreading lies and fables.

To believe in evolution is bad enough, but to teach this garbage to children is much worse because it destroys their faith in God, His word, and His authority. Teaching children that God used evolution to create life is even worse. You are telling them that the Bible doesn't mean what it says in Genesis 1. If you do not get Genesis 1 correct then you are going to have a lot of problems getting other parts of scripture correct. Again, this is why there are so many apostate Christians, millions of them.  

I'm telling you folks, if you teach this garbage to children, you WILL stand before God one day and answer for it. You will answer for the faith of all the children that you destroyed. I'm not saying that you will end up in Hell, but you will have blood on your hands. That is a fact.

I will go to my grave preaching and teaching exactly what the Bible says, no apology and no backing down. I would much rather preach and teach exactly what the Bible says and end the end be wrong about some things, than to preach and teach opinions or interpretations and in the end be wrong.

In the words of Martin Luther, Here I stand, I can do no other.


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