It’s October 31 again and we all know what that means; only two more weeks until Halloween. Stores are in full holiday mode, geared up for high volume sales of candy, cookies, costumes and all of the other various sundries that coincide with the spookiest night of the year. Retailers also rejoice as they warm up the cash registers to receive something in the neighborhood of $8 billion this year. That’s right, billion, with a “B”, that’s what Americans spend on average each year for Halloween festivities. There is something about Halloween that excites us all. Scary movies, haunted houses, parties, dressing up in silly costumes pretending to be someone or something else and skipping around the neighborhood gathering candy and treats from each house. For the most part it’s innocent fun, but the origins of this unofficial holiday are far from innocent. As Christians, how should we respond to Halloween? Should we totally abstain from any and all celebrations? Should ...