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Showing posts from August, 2020

Who is at Fault

  Everyone is pointing fingers of blame at everyone else for all of the violence going on around the nation today.  The Democrats blame the Republicans, the Republicans blame the Democrats, white people blame black people, black people blame white people, parents blame the schools and the government; it’s a never ending cycle.  The truth is, there is plenty of blame to go around.  No one is innocent in this.  We all have a part to play. But, the question is, who has the lions share of the blame?  Who is most at fault?  Well, consider this: It’s not entirely the fault of the Democrats or the Socialists or the Anarchists for the rioting and violence that is springing up in cities across America. Although much blame does lie with the godless heathens committing these criminal acts, and eventually they will stand before God and answer for their crimes.  But, the root of the problem runs much deeper than what we see on the surface.  All of the vio...

Losing Our Religion

  This was a recent article by John MacArthur for DailyWire.  I wanted to share it because it accurately reflects the sad status of our culture today. Faith is on the decline nowadays, and it is no wonder. Most people in these postmodern times are convinced that it’s impossible to  know  anything with settled certainty,  so they can’t really  believe  anything, either. When you aren’t even sure whether objective truth exists, the suggestion that there is something to  believe in  simply doesn’t make any sense. Begin with the assumption that nothing can be known for sure, and religious convictions are automatically out of the question. In case you hadn’t realized it, that kind of thinking now dominates our society. The concept of settled, knowable truth is widely considered intellectually inept and politically incorrect. There’s “my truth” and “your truth,” meaning everything is ultimately just a matter of perspective. In other words, truth cl...

Do Not Think it Strange

        Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you.   1 Peter 4:12   Peter knew about fiery trials, all the original apostles did.   And we cannot forget the First Century believers that came after them.   They knew what it meant to be identified with Christ.   They were tortured, beaten, fed to wild beasts, burned at the stake, imprisoned, all for simply doing precisely what the Lord commands all of His followers to do.   Jesus made it clear that following Him would not be a walk in the park.   He said that His followers would be hated and persecuted.   He made that abundantly clear.   So, why do we modern, American Christians seem to think persecution and fiery trials are strange?   Do we not even read what our Lord said?   Or maybe, we assume it doesn’t apply to us.   Maybe we think we are special in some way, that we a...

Courage Under Fire

It’s been impossible for me to miss the controversy that’s been brewing in Southern California between Governor Gavin Newsom and Sun Valley’s Grace Community Church as led by their pastor-teacher, John MacArthur. It’s  been interesting as well as a bit nail biting for me to consider his refusal to comply with the governor’s unconstitutional (and therefore, illegal) order against gatherings in places of worship. His boldness and courage are a stark contrast to the myriad of evangelical leaders who kneeled at the feet of the social justice mob just a couple short months prior and are criticizing him for taking a stand on the lordship of Jesus over human government. This entire situation has me curiously pondering: What is it that makes a “John MacArthur?” What keeps him from the mad rush to find the middle ground on every issue? What has caused him to take stand after stand over the past fifty years yet remain unmoved because “the Bible says so?” I remember him saying once that ...
        The 2020 election is the most important election in the history of America next to the election of 1860.   This election will undoubtedly reveal whether God is finished with America or not .   God may very well be washing His hands of this nation due to the soaring levels of wickedness, the slumbering church, and the lackluster Christians. A decision must be made in November.  Christians will ultimately make a decision on where they stand.  Do we stand with God or do we prefer to stand with Satan?  As a Christian, your vote will determine how you feel about God and His word.  Do you love what He loves and hate what He hates?  What will your decision be? America was founded on Christian principles, a strong faith in God, and the widespread belief in religious freedom.   But, we have fallen far from the faith of our founders and we have, for all intents and purposes, turned our backs on God.   In comparison, fr...

Counting the Cost

    Just so you know, I was brought up in a typical, fundamental, Baptist church.   I was taught from an early age that Jesus Christ was my Lord and Savior, that He died on a cross and rose again on the third day to save me from my sins.   I was taught that all I had to do was ask His forgiveness of my sins and I would be saved and have eternal life in Heaven.   And, like any good Baptist, at the tender age of twelve, I walked down the aisle at Boyd’s Union Chapel, I aske Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart.   The pastor told me I was saved and welcomed me to the family of God.             I was never discipled.   I was never taught what true repentance meant. I was never questioned on how much I understood about Jesus Christ and the salvation that He offers.   I was never taught how to walk with Him and talk with Him. I didn’t even know what sin was.   I was baptized a fe...