Everyone is pointing fingers of blame at everyone else for all of the violence going on around the nation today. The Democrats blame the Republicans, the Republicans blame the Democrats, white people blame black people, black people blame white people, parents blame the schools and the government; it’s a never ending cycle. The truth is, there is plenty of blame to go around. No one is innocent in this. We all have a part to play. But, the question is, who has the lions share of the blame? Who is most at fault? Well, consider this: It’s not entirely the fault of the Democrats or the Socialists or the Anarchists for the rioting and violence that is springing up in cities across America. Although much blame does lie with the godless heathens committing these criminal acts, and eventually they will stand before God and answer for their crimes. But, the root of the problem runs much deeper than what we see on the surface. All of the vio...