The term Christian hedonism may sound like an oxymoron at first. After all, if “hedonism” is the pursuit of pleasure , then how can it be Christian? But, as John Piper points out, pleasure per se is not anti-God. Pleasure, in one sense, is a gauge of how much importance we place on what we value. Piper coined the term Christian hedonism as a provocative way to express a timeless truth: God is not glorified in us as He ought to be when He is not our greatest joy. Or to put it positively, in the words of Piper, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” Underlying the truth of Christian hedonism is the idea that God has designed each of us with an innate desire to pursue happiness. The problem is not that we seek pleasure; the problem is that we seek pleasure apart from God. In the Bible God does not condemn people for seeking happiness but for seeking it in ways that ignore, neglect, or rebel against Him ( Jeremiah 2:13...