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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Beatitudes

This explanation of the a Beatitudes found in Mathew chapter 5:3-12 is from Mathew Henry’s commentary,   Our Saviour here gives eight characters of blessed people, which represent to us the principal graces of a Christian.  1. The poor in spirit are happy. These bring their minds to their condition, when it is a low condition. They are humble and lowly in their own eyes. They see their want, bewail their guilt, and thirst after a Redeemer. The kingdom of grace is of such; the kingdom of glory is for them.  2. Those that mourn are happy. That godly sorrow which worketh true repentance, watchfulness, a humble mind, and continual dependence for acceptance on the mercy of God in Christ Jesus, with constant seeking the Holy Spirit, to cleanse away the remaining evil, seems here to be intended. Heaven is the joy of our Lord; a mountain of joy, to which our way is through a vale of tears. Such mourners shall be comforted by their God.  3. The meek are happy. ...

The Time is Now

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Romans 13:11-12 This was written over 1900 years ago.  If it was time to wake up then…how much more so now. If 1900 years ago, the night was far spent…how much more so now? You know what’s sad?  What makes me cry? These disciples of Christ, who were so far removed from His return, they were expecting His return at literally any moment and they lived like He could return at any moment.  They preached and taught that His return was imminent.  They believed it and they lived it. They lived so deliberately… They gave everything… They were sold out… Jesus wasn’t first, He was everything…. Yet we, who are so close to His return, live so carelessly.  So indifferently…So apathetica...